The Australian Cat, Shannan aka "Neural Fusion", Break Drum N Bass Producer (Neural Fusion - "mandie" / Myspace *) Has unfortunately had his RIG PC with all of his collected projects, collaborations, samples, music, Vsti's, drumtracks, porn, and /b/ folder, has been nullified into nothing more than broken circuits and shot hard drives. In a fit of misunderstood rage, a giant faggot stormed into his lair and tarnished all that was sacred...
In Commendation I would love to see the newgrounds community (of which he shares and is actively a part of in his musical expertise) help him organize to find resources to re-build his music network. He knows what he is doing, but any support would be great. Links to any DnB samples, generators, Vsti's, and possibly a Fruity Loops 7 *(Crack?) support torrent would be great.
He had years of work and proud memories written on the machine...
Now he needs our help, from fans, friends, and peers.
Peace! If anyone wants to hit me up I run trillian almost 24/7.
AIM - SythecFX // MSN -
Anyways here's some resources, these are some private torrent trackers you can pretty much find any audio production software and sample libraries on, but they only have one day open registrations and are well hard to keep a good ratio on. So here they are: - Open Reg on 20th of every month - Open Reg on 1st and sometimes 2nd of every month - Open Reg - 1st of every month - 1st to 4th of every month.
Pass it on or sumfin.